
Herbal Plant - Papaya : Carica papaya

Papaya (Carica papaya) is an evergreen flowering tree that is valued for its buttery fruit that is believed to offer many health benefits. The amazing papaya fruit contains enzymes and compounds that can prevent cancer, ageing and can promote healthier heart. The papaya is a short-lived, fast-growing, woody, large herb to 10 or 12 feet in height. It generally branches only when injured. All parts contain latex. The hollow green or deep purple trunk is straight and cylindrical with prominent leaf scars. Its diameter may be from 2 or 3 inches to over a foot at the base.

Scientific Name: Carica Papaya. Also knows as: Papita, Papeeta, Papiitaa, Melon tree, Papaw, Paw paw. Papaya (Carica papaya) is one of the all year round favorite dessert fruits known for its sweet, juicy, melt on your mouth flesh. Papaya is not only delicious but it is likewise packed with vitamins and minerals that offer many health benefits for the usual papaya lover.

Papaya plants grow in three sexes: male, female, hermaphrodite. The male produces only pollen, never fruit. The female will produce small, inedible fruits unless pollinated. The hermaphrodite can self-pollinate since its flowers contain both male stamens and female ovaries. Almost all commercial papaya orchards contain only hermaphrodites. According to Wikipedia, papaya may have probably originated from the tropics of America especially southern Mexico where it was first cultivated and was later propagated in other tropical and sub-tropical countries in the continents of America, Australia, Africa and Asia.

Papaya Description: The papaya plant which has a semblance of a tree has usually one erect trunk that can grow to about 4 to 7 meters in height. Papaya tree is characterized with large green leaves that have seven to nine deeply palmate lobes with elongated hollow petioles spirally confined at the top of the trunk. Older leaves are shed off as the tree grows leaving scars at the trunk.

Papaya fruits have smooth skin, green while young turning yellow when ripe. Papaya fruit varies in size and shape depending on the variety and type of plant. The common Philippine papaya is usually pear shape about 10 to 40 cm in length upon maturity. Ripe papaya feels soft, the skin has a yellowish color and when opened it has soft orange-yellowish flesh with numerous small black seeds embedded at the hollow center.

Papaya Traditional Health Benefits. Papaya is widely used as folkloric herbal medicine. Papaya is known for the following health benefits: Acne and skin infections.  Papaya contains Vitamin A which provides a fresh and glowing skin. It is used in Acne control and protects the skin from infections. Wound Healing. Papaya helps to speed up the healing of wounds.  Papain extracted from the fruit and leaves is also the main ingredient of an ointment popularly used as a topical application for cuts, rashes, stings and burns.

Anti-aging. Papaya is rich in antioxidants that helps defer premature aging.  It is widely used in cosmetics as an exfoliant and skin softener and whitener. Improves and preserves good vision. The vitamin A rich papaya helps in preserving good eyesight. It also contains flavonoids and Beta carotene that protects against Macular degeneration. Anthelmintic. The compound papain found in the seeds of papaya can destroy and flush out  worms from the body. Ingest Papaya seeds with honey 30 minutes before or after a meal.  Constipation and dyspepsia. Papaya fruit is rich in fiber that improves digestion and softens the bowel movement.

Colon Cancer. The anti oxidant activity coupled by rich fiber content of papaya fruit helps in absorbing the toxins from the colon that protects the good cells from free radicals and damage. This in turn helps prevent the development of colon cancer. Lowers the blood pressure. Papaya fruit contains a good amount of Calcium and Potassium. These minerals are important in regulating the blood pressure and metabolism. Prevents atherosclerosis and heart disease. Papaya is rich in vitamins A and vitamin C, well known powerful antioxidants that inhibits the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood and prevents the build up of plaque along the inner walls of the arteries. Unchecked plaque build up is the main cause of heart attack or stroke.

Weight loss. The rich vitamins and minerals of papaya fruit coupled by high fiber content and the low calories makes this an ideal food for weight loss. That is why it is good for Diabetic patients.  Boosts the immune system. The vitamins,, minerals and coumpounds found in papaya fruit are known to strengthen the immunse system of the body, improving resistance against illness and infections. Menstruation and pregnancy. Papaya fruit regulates the menstrual flow and eases the condition in menstrual cramps. It is also used to alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness for pregnant women. Abortificient. Extracts from papaya roots are used to abort early pregnancy. Dengue fever. The papaya leaf juice is used in treating dengue fever. It helps in increasing the platelet count in a dengue patient.

Papaya Usage, Dosage. Carica Papaya tree can be found almost every where. You can check with your local horticulturist for seeds or small trees for personal cultivation. The papaya fruit is largely available in most fruit stands, grocery stores and supermarkets. Papaya fruits, roots and leaves extracts and other herbal medicine preparations can also be fought from reputable health stores. Online, Amazon listed American Health Multi-Enzyme Plus, Super Papaya.

How to use Papaya herbal medicine? Papaya fruit. The fuit has a sweet and soft pulp that is best eaten when ripe or as mixed is salads. The young papaya fruit is also considered as vegetable used in cooking. Papaya leaves. Fresh papaya leaves can be pounded or chewed and consumed by mouth. Maximum dosage is two tablespoon per day. Papaya tea from roots, flowers and leaves. The papaya decoction or tea can be prepared by choping the roots, flowers and leaves then boiled in water (see below). Papaya tea decoction is taken twice to three times a day. Papaya poultice. Fresh papaya leaves can be pounded and applied directly to the affected area. Papaya seeds. Used as purgative, a spoonful of seeds is taken three times before meals. Papaya latex. The latex from the young papaya fruit are applied directly to the affected area. Used to stop bleeding, treat wounds and avoid infections.

Papaya Tea Preparation. Wash freshly gathered Papaya plant parts. chop then add in 4 cups of water for every 1 cup. Let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes with the pot cover removed. Let it steep then strain. Drink half cup of Papaya tea three times a day. Papaya tea concoction can be stored in suitable glass container for later consumption. Dried leaves are more potent. Reduce the blend by half.

Papaya Use, Warnings and Side Effects. Generally safe in moderate consumption. Ripe papaya fruit does not have any serious side effects at moderate consumption even for pregnant mothers and young children. May cause skin coloration. Ripe papaya just like carrots contains carotene which may turn the palms and soles yellowish when consumed at large amount but this does not impose any health danger. Overdosage can be poisonous. The leaves and roots of Carica papaya contain cyangenic glucosides which form into cyanide, while the leaves contain tannins. These two compounds may have adverse side effects when taken at large concentrations.

Pregnancy and fertility side effects. In animal studies, aqueous extracts of Carica papaya can cause temporary infertility and irregular oestrous cycles that is reversible when treatment was stopped. Extracts of papain found in Carica papaya were also found to induce abortion after conception by dissolving the protein needed by the newly fertilized egg to adhere to the uterus wall. The abortificient property is a matter of high dose side effect of Carica papaya toxicity which affects the fetus. Breast feeding. There are no sufficient studies made to determine the side effects of Carica Papaya taken in medicinal amounts to infants and babies. Stay on the safe side, avoid taking Papaya in herbal medicine dosage while breast feeding.Allergies. In rare cases, the herb has caused allergic reaction as side effect.

Scientific Studies: Carica Papaya Herbal Medicine. Dengue fever treatment with Carica papaya leaves extracts. An article published in Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2011 Aug) reported a study that investigated the potential of Carica papaya leaves extracts against Dengue fever in 45 year old patient bitten by dengue virus carrier mosquitoes. The patient was given a dose of 25 mL of aqueous extract of Carica papaya leaves twice daily for five consecutive days. Before the extract administration the blood samples from patient were analyzed. It was noted in the report that the platelet count continuously increased in the duration of the treatment and the condition of the patient dramatically improved. The study suggests that based from the patient’s recovery and blood reports, Carica papayaleaves aqueous extract exhibited potential activity against Dengue fever. Furthermore, the different parts it is recommended that other parts of Carica papaya may be beneficial against viral diseases. Source:
Carica Papaya may have potential health benefits for blood related medical problems. The Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, issue of March 2011, reported a study on the phytochemistry and heamotological potential of the ethanol seed, leaf and pulp extract of Carica papaya. In this study, it was identified that the phytochemical contents in the seeds, leaf and pulp of Carica papaya were almost the same but in varying proportions. It was also observed that the phytochemicals found in Carica papaya significantly improved (P<0.05) the production of certain blood parameters in treated albino rats. This study suggests that Carica papaya may have potential health benefits for blood related medical problems. (Source :

Carica Papaya may have Anti diabetic health benefits. The Journal of Natural Product Research, issue of December 2011 reported that a study done in INFORMM, Malaysia identified the phytochemicals in Carica papaya that may have anti diabetic properties. The ethanol extracts of Carica papaya and Pandanus amaryfollius were administered to a group of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats to measure its anti diabetic effects. Results have shown that there was a significant reduction (P<0.05)in the blood glucose level in the Carica papaya treated group in comparison to a control group. Histologically the pancreas of the treated groups indicated significant regeneration of the β-cells and liver tissues indicated a reduction in fatty changes and pyknotic nucleus. Moreover, the kidney tissues of the treated groups indicated significant recovery in the cuboidal tissue. The study suggests that the phytochemicals found in C. Papaya and P. amaryfollius may be responsible for the anti diabetic health benefits. (Source:

Carica papaya Health Benefits for Digestive Disorders. In a published report in Nuero Endocrinology Letters 2013, a research was done in Vienna, Austria to verify the folkloric health benefits of Carica papaya for digestive disorders. Clinical trials involving volunteers with chronic (prevailing) indigestions and dysfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract were given papaya preparation (Caricol). They were compared to a control group given a placebo. Results have shown that there was a significant improvement in the symptoms of “indigestion” and “bloating” for those under the papaya preparation as compared to the control group. The study concludes that the papaya preparation (Caricol®) contributes to the maintenance of digestive tract physiology. It ameliorates various functional disturbances, like symptoms of IBS. (Source:

Papaya and Pregnancy: Safety and Side Effects. The British Journal of Nutrition, August 2002. published a study done in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National University, Singapore on the common belief of some Asian communities that eating papaya can be unsafe for pregnant women. In a laboratory experiment, the effects of ripe papaya blend (500 ml/l water) and papaya crude latex to the uteri of pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats was compared to a control group given with water only. Results have shown that ripe papaya has no adverse or noticeable side effects, while the crude latex induced spasmodic contraction of the uterine muscles. The study suggests that normal consumption of ripe papaya during pregnancy may not pose any significant danger. However, the unripe or semi-ripe papaya (which contains high concentration of the latex that produces marked uterine contractions) could be unsafe in pregnancy. (Source:

Antihelminthic and Anti-amoebic Health Benefits from Carica Papaya Seeds. In the Journal of Medicinal Food, March 2007, an article has been written about a study done on the effectiveness of dried Carica papaya seeds against human intestinal parasitosis. The study was done in the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria., where 60 children with evidence of intestinal parasites were given either dried seeds of Carica papaya mixed with honey or honey alone. 76.7% of those who were given honey mixed with dried seeds of papaya were cleared of parasites after 7 days while 16.7% of those who took honey alone. This study concludes that air-dried C. papaya seeds are efficacious in treating human intestinal parasites and without significant side effects. (Source:

Anti-cancer and Immunomodulatory Health Benefits of Carica Papaya. A study done in the Institute of Medical Science in The University of Tokyo, Japan, reported that aqueous solution of Carica papaya leaf extract have significant growth inhibitory activity on tumor cell lines. The study further suggests that Carica papaya leaf extract may potentially provide the means for the treatment and prevention of selected human diseases such as cancer, various allergic disorders, and may also serve as immunoadjuvant for vaccine therapy. (Source: Journal of Ethnopharmacology, February 2010: Aqueous extract of Carica papaya leaves exhibits anti-tumor activity and immunomodulatory effects)

Antibacterial and Wound Healing Health Benefits of Carica Papaya fruit Seeds. The West Indian Medical Journal, December 2003, published an article on the antibacterial activity of Carica papaya fruit extract against common wound organisms . The study was done in The University of the West Indies, Kingston 7, Jamaica, where the seed extracts from the fruit showed inhibition of bacterial activity against B cereus, E coli, S faecalis, S aureus, P vulgaris and S flexneri. This study suggests that Carica papaya has antibacterial effects that could be useful in treating chronic skin ulcers to promote healing.

Lemongrass or tanglad - Cymbopogon citratus

Scientific Name: Cymbopogon citratus Also knows as: Brazil: Capim-cidrao, Capim-santo; Egypt: tanglad; English: tanglad, Citronella, Squinant; Ethiopia: Tej-sar Hindi: Sera, Verveine; Indonesian: Sereh; Italian: Cimbopogone; Malaysia: Sakumau; Mexico: Zacate limon; Swedish: Citrongräss; Thailand: Ta-khrai; Turkish: Limon out; USA and UK: Citronella.

Tanglad (Cymbopogon citratus), is a native herb from warm regions such as India, Philippines and Malaysia, is widely used in Asian cooking and is an ingredient in many Thai and Vietnamese foods. Tanglad use in cooking has become popular in the Caribbean and in the United States for its aromatic citrus flavor with a trace of ginger.

Tanglad or lemon grass is a commercially-viable plant that is cultivated mainly for the fragrance that it produces. It can be easily found in most Asian countries, and is widely cultivated in tropical areas. By nature, tanglad is a permanent or perennial plant, and the benefits of which are not restricted to its fragrance. The utility of tanglad basically lies in its leaves, where all the benefits are derived. What can be seen of this plant are mainly its leaves, which allows easy access to the main part that is needed in order to enjoy tanglad's health benefits. It constitutes most of what appears of this plant above ground, as the leaves grow up to one meter in length, and are flat in shape.

Tanglad is a member of specie of grass that grows to as high as 1 meter with leaves of 1 to 1.5 centimeters in width that grows from a stalk of about 30 to 80 cm long with bulbous lower end. Tanglad is a perennial and tufted grass that is commercially cultivated in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and China. tanglad is also cultivated in United States specifically in California and Florida. Propagation is by dividing the root clumps.

Tanglad oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color that is extracted by distillation. Tanglad is also known as 'choomana poolu' and is also referred to as 'Indian Verbena' or 'Indian M`elissa oil'. tanglad oil is a valuable ingredient in cosmetics, perfumes and as fragrances for soaps and insect repellants. Tanglad is reportedly has a wide variety of therapeutic application and health benefits. With limited research and studies conducted on humans, tanglad's effectiveness is based mainly on the results from animal and laboratory studies as well as its reputation as a folk remedy.

Tanglad Traditional Medicinal Uses. Tanglad is largely used in traditional herbal medicine for various conditions. Tanglad as herbal Tea: (Taken 1 cup every 8 hours) for gastrointestinal problems stomachaches, diarrhea, gas, bowel spasms, vomiting, fever, the flu, and headaches. Tanglad oil mixed with other essential oils such as coconut oil is used as a liniment for back pains, rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and other body pains. Tanglad oil mixed with other essential oils such as lavender or jasmine oil used in baths or vapor scents, can revitalize the body and relieve the symptoms of jet lag, headaches, anxiety and stress related exhaustion.

Tanglad is used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine to treat fevers and infectious illnesses. Tanglad is also used in Chinese medicine to treat colds and rheumatism.To treat circulatory disorders, some authorities recommend rubbing a few drops of tanglad oil on the skin of affected areas; it is believed to work by improving blood flow. Tanglad has natural anti-microbial properties, is an antiseptic, suitable for use on various types of skin infections, usually as a wash or compress, and is especially effective on ringworm, infected sores. Acne and athlete's foot.

Tanglad is effective in killing cancer cells. It is useful with respiratory infections such as sore throats, laryngitis and fever and helps prevent spreading of infectious diseases. Tanglad is also used as an insect repellant. It helps to keep pets clean of fleas, ticks and lice. In Asia and Africa, tanglad is used as antiseptic, antitussive, and anti-rheumatic and to treat backache, sprains, and hemoptysis. Infusions of tanglad leaves are used in alternative medicine as sedative, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory. In some African countries, Tanglad is used to treat diabetes.

The effect of tanglad oil on clinical isolate mastitis pathogens. The aims of this study were to investigate the antibacterial activity of tanglad oil and its major components which were citral, geraniol and myrcene, against four strains of clinically isolated bovine mastitis pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus, The results demonstrate that S. agalactiae and B. cereus are more susceptible to tanglad, citral and geraniol than S. aureus and E. coli. Moreover, they also inhibit S. aureus biofilm formation and exhibit effective killing activities on preformed biofilms. The tanglad appears to have multiple targets in the bacterial cell, depending on concentration used as well as the amount of its components. Source: Research in Veterinary Science ( Dec 2011).

Activation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in cancer cells by Cymbopogon citratus polysaccharide fractions. In the present study, polysaccharides from C. citratus were extracted and fractionated by anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Using these polysaccharide fractions F1 and F2, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities were evaluated against cancer cells in vitro and the mechanism of action of the polysaccharides in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells via intrinsic pathway was also proposed. These polysaccharide fractions exhibited potential cytotoxic and apoptotic effects on carcinoma cells, and they induced apoptosis in these cells through the events of up-regulation of caspase 3, down-regulation of bcl-2 family genes followed by cytochrome c release. Source: Carbohydrate Polymers – Journal (Jul 2014)

Link of tanglad to Cholesterol. The link between tanglad and cholesterol was investigated by researchers from the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin, who published their findings in the medical journal Lipids in 1989. They conducted a clinical trial involving 22 people with high cholesterol who took 140-mg capsules of tanglad oil daily. While cholesterol levels were only slightly affected in some of the participants--cholesterol was lowered from 310 to 294 on average--other people in the study experienced a significant decrease in blood fats.

The latter group, characterized as responders, experienced a 25-point drop in cholesterol after one month, and this positive trend continued over the course of the short study. After three months, cholesterol levels among the responders had decreased by a significant 38 points. Once the responders stopped taking tanglad, their cholesterol returned to previous levels. It should be noted that this study did not involve a placebo group, which is usually used to help measure the effects of the agent being studied (in this case, tanglad oil).

Neurobehavioral Effects :   (1) Study of myrcene in rats suggests anxiolytic activity. (2) Study of essential oil produced marked CNS depression in mice, similar to chlorpromazine effect. Also, it increased sleepness time, similar to a thiopental effect. Antinociceptive / Analgesic :   Myrcene extract from the essential oil has been shown to have an antinociceptive effect. Antitumoral :   (1) Study showed a-myrcene possess antimutagenic activity in mammary cells. (2) Plant compounds, a-limonene and geraniol showed inhibition of liver and intestinal mucous membrane cancer in mice. (3) Study in Thailand showed inhibition of colorectal neoplasia in mice. (4) Study showed inhibitory effects on early phase hepatocarcinogenesis in rats after initiation with diethylnitrosamine.

tanglad Usage, Dosage. tanglad leavesTanglad thrives in the wild even without too much care. It can be grown in pots and gardens. The stalks and leaves are harvested and used. Fresh tanglad can also be bought in most Asian markets by bundles. tanglad oil extract can also be bought in most grocery and health foods stores. tanglad comes in various forms, such as powder, dried leaves and essential oil. Amazon lists Lemon grass Essential Oil. 10 ml.

Tanglad Tea Preparation. Pound or cut about 10 leaves of tanglad Then add in 2 cups of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes, Strain, add sugar and a slice of ginger to taste. Let it cool and drink a cup three to four times a day. Make new tanglad herbal tea as needed. When symptoms persist or irritation occurs stop the use and consult your doctor. tanglad oil (food grade) can also be used to make tea by diluting 2 teaspoon of tanglad oil to a cup of boiling water.

Tanglad Liniment Preparation. Boil equal amounts of chopped leaves and roots with freshly made coconut oil. You can also mix 2 drops of tanglad oil to an ounce of your usual oil used such as coconut oil, olive oil, etc. Tanglad Baths and Compress. Chop about a cup of tanglad leaves to a liter of water. Let it boil and strain. You can add it to your bath or you can use it as herbal compress for skin infections. tanglad oil can also be added to a bath or warm water for hot compress. a tablespoon of oil for every 500ml for compress is suggested.

Tanglad use Warnings and Side Effects. When cooked and properly prepared, eating tanglad has been proven beneficial even for young children, pregnant women and breast feeding mothers. Tanglad is not known to be harmful when taken in recommended dosages. However, individuals should always take caution before using any treatment. Pregnancy and Breast feeding. The essential oil should not be used internally by children, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Liver or kidney disease. When used for various medication, There are reports of the following: Burning sensation(s), Skin Irritation, discomfort, and rash.

Lowered blood glucose. While tanglad is not known to have an adverse effect with known drugs and supplements. Nonetheless It is advisable to limit the use of tanglad for the following medical conditions: Individuals taking oral diabetes drugs, Individuals taking anti-hypertensive drugs, Individuals with diabetes and / or individuals who are hypoglycemic, Allergies. In rare cases, tanglad essential oil has caused allergic reactions when applied to the skin. To minimize skin irritation, dilute the oil in a carrier oil such as safflower or sunflower seed oil before application. As with all essential oils, small amounts should be used, and only for a limited time. Can cause eye irritation. Avoid getting tanglad (herb or oil) in the eyes.

Dragon Fruit - Hylocereus Undatus

Scientific Name: Ceraus, Acanthocereus, Echinocereus, Hylocereus, Selenicereus, Stenocereus, Escontria, Myrthillocactus. Also knows as: Pitaya, Dragon Fruit, Red Pitahaya, Night blooming Cereus, Strawberry Pear, Belle of the Night, conderella plant. Other common names: French: cierge-lezard, poire de chardon; German: distelbirn, echte stachelbirn, drachenfrucht; Hawaiian: Pa-nani-o-ka; Portoguese: cato-barse, cardo-ananaz; Spanish: pitahaya roja (Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela); flor de caliz, pitajava (Puerto Rico); junco, junco tapatio, pitahaya orejona, reina de la noche, tasajo (Mexico); Swedish: skogskaktus, rod pitahaya.

Dragon fruits have a surprising number of phytonutrients. Rich in antioxidants, they contain vitamin C (equivalent to 10 percent of the daily value), polyunsaturated (good) fatty acids, and several B vitamins for carbohydrate metabolism, as well as carotene and protein. Calcium is present for strong bones and teeth, iron and phosphorus for healthy blood and tissue formation. The benefits are realized in a number of ways, from a strengthened immune system and faster healing of bruises and wounds to fewer respiratory problems. Dragon fruits have zero complex carbohydrates, so foods can be more easily broken down in the body, helped by vitamin B1 (thiamin) and other B vitamins. The phytochemical captin, used as a medication to treat heart problems, is present in the fruit itself, and an oil in the seed operates as a mild laxative.

The seeds of dragon fruits are high in polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) that reduce triglycerides and lower the risk of cardiovascular disorders. Eating dragon fruit can help the body maintain such normal function as ridding the body of toxic heavy metals and improved eyesight. Lycopene, responsible for the red color in dragon fruit, has been shown to be linked with a lower prostate cancer risk.

The Dragon plant is a vine, epiphytic cacti of the genus Hylocereus that is believed to be native in Central and Southern America and has been brought to Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Vietnam. Dragon plant has fleshy stems that grow up to 20ft long when matured. Dragon plant may grow from the ground or climb onto trees using aerial roots. Dragon plant bears flowers that only bloom at night. The flowers are ornate and beautiful with fragrant scent. Pitahaya plants can have up to 4-6 fruiting cycles per year. The dragon fruit has spines that grows up to 1 kilogram in weight. Dragon fruit skin may be yellowish to dark red in color with edible flesh that maybe white or red depending on the variety. It has a lot of black small seeds that is also edible. Pitaya or Dragon fruit is also known to have some health benefits that includes preventing memory loss, anti cancer activity, control of blood glucose level in diabeetes, anti-xidant properties, aids in healing of wounds and others.

Dragon fruit Medicinal Uses. Folkloric health Benefits from Dragon fruit. Dragon fruit promotes healing of wounds and cuts. Dragon fruit improves appetite. Dragon fruit improves eye sight Dragon fruit can aid in weight reduction. Dragon fruit improves memory. Confirmed health Benefits from Dragon fruit. Dragon fruit boosts immune system. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C and fibers that help provide an overall healthy body. Dragon fruit helps in digestion. Because of the richness in fibers, Dragon fruit aids in the digestion of food, Studies also suggest that Dragon fruit promotes the growth of probiotics. Dragon fruit help to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes. Studies also suggest that the the glucose found in Dragon fruit aids in controlling the blood sugar level for diabetes patients. Dragon fruit prevent formation of cancer causing free radicals. Dragon fruit is rich in minerals and fibers that aids in digestion, cleans toxic ingredients thus preventing the occurrence of colon cancer.

Dragon fruit as anti-oxidant. The presence of high level of vitamin C, minerals and pytoalbumin is regarded as relevant in fighting free radicals and possess anti-oxidant properties. Dragon fruit helps to control cholesterol level. Dragon fruit is also rich in flavonoids that are known to have favorable effects against cardio related disease.  Dragon fruit confers prebiotic benefits. The researcher concluded that dragon fruit may be used as an ingredient in functional food and nutraceutical products for the overweight individuals and diabetic prevention management. Meanwhile, the prebiotic effect of dragon fruit should be tested in clinical studies with both the raw and extracted flesh for comparison.

Wound healing properties of Hylocereus undatus on diabetic rats. Aqueous extracts of leaves, rind, fruit pulp and flowers of Hylocereus undatus were studied for their wound healing properties. Wound healing effects were studied on incision (skin breaking strength), excision (percent wound contraction) and the nature of wound granulation tissues, which were removed on day 7 and the collagen, hexosamine, total proteins and DNA contents were determined, in addition to the rates of wound contraction and the period of epithelialization. In streptozotocin diabetic rats, where healing is delayed, topical applications of H. undatus produced increases in hydroxyproline, tensile strength, total proteins, DNA collagen content and better epithelization thereby facilitating healing. H. undatus had no hypoglycemic activity.

Dragon fruit Preparations, Usage and Side Effects. Dragon fruit Preparation and Usage. Dragon is fruit is best eaten fresh, it can be diced, sliced, chilled, add to salads or even blended to make a smoothie. Dragon fruits are available in most grocery stores, supermarkets and fruit stores. They are sold in per piece or in a per kilo basis. Dragon fruits are also made into jams, puree, sherbets, salads, fruit pizza, juice and beverages. Dragon fruit Warnings and Side Effects. Dragon fruit is generally a nutritious fruit that is a good source of vitamins and minerals. There are no reported side effects in consuming dragen fruit. Dragon fruit is safe for consumption even by pregnant and breast feeding mothers.

Scientific Studies of Health Benefits from Dragon fruit. Dragon fruit Mechanism of action in disease treatment and prevention. Pouyrhizus Waste Extract By Using Ultrasonic Solvents Extraction. Pitaya plants also known as Dragon fruit are rich in naturally-occurring flavonoids, which are primarily found in dragon fruit peel. Flavonoids have a wide range of biological activities, such as cell proliferation-inhibiting, apoptosis-inducing, enzyme-inhibiting, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects (Cook and Samman, 1996; Havsteen, 2002; Middleton and Kandaswami, 1993). Moreover, some findings indicate that flavonoids\ has various clinical properties, such as antiatherosclerotic, antiinflammatory, antitumour, antithrombogenic, antiosteoporotic, and antiviral effects (Cook and Samman, 1996; Havsteen, 2002). Numerous epidemiological studies confirm significant relationship between the high dietary intake of flavonoids and the reduction of cardiovascular risk (Cook and Samman, 1996). The formulation of preventive and healthy nutrition requires information about phenolic and flavonoid composition in the dragon fruit waste.

Detailed studies aimed at determining the relationship between a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, lifetime physical activity, and oxidative DNA damage with prostate cancer were measured. Many details were telling, such as the fact that men between 45 to 54 years of age who did not engage in physical activity had three times the risk of prostate cancer. The conclusion was that a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those containing lycopene, such as dragon fruit, and exercise were found to be protective against the disease. Since limited information on the capacities of tropical fruits is available, one study explored with positive results the ability of tropical fruits such as dragon fruit to inhibit human cytochrome P450, which is highly expressed in the liver, but also known to be present other tissues such as in the small intestine, lung, and kidney, and especially linked to congenital glaucoma.

Proximate analysis of dragon fruit (Hylecereus polyhizus). Dragon fruit is also rich in phytoalbumins which are highly valued for their antioxidant properties. Dragon fruit or Hylocereus polyrhizus is rich in fibers, vitamin C, minerals and phytoalbumins which are highly valued for their antioxidant properties. The dragon fruit helps the digestive process, prevent colon cancer and diabetes, neutralize toxic substances such as heavy metal, reduce cholesterol levels and high blood pressure and consumed regularly the dragon fruit can help against asthma and cough. It is also rich with potassium, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium which goods for health than other fruits.

The Nutrition and Health Benefits of Tropical Fruits with Special Reference to Red Pitaya. This study indicates hypocholesterolemic effect of tropical fruits including dragon fruit or pitaya as shown in-vivo and human intervention trial, therefore it has a potential of reducing the risk factor for CHD (dyslipidemia). Soluble fiber increase fecal bile acids losses and chemodeoxycholic acid synthesis and appear to be the best substantiated mechanism by which fiber lowers serum cholesterol. Other factors that may have contributed to the cholesterol-lowering effects are the plant sterol and phytochemical present in fruits that interfere with cholesterol metabolism These effects maybe attributed by the active components present in the pitaya fruit such as antioxidant, polyphenolics, thiols, and their antioxidative activity from the betacyanin contents (Wybraniec & Mizrahi, 2002). The present study results revealed that both treatments (Red pitaya fruit and Lovastatin drug) showed a similar effect in increasing HDL-C and lowering TC, TG and LDL-C level